Rabu, Januari 12, 2022

Short Note: Vector in Matriculation Syllabus


Oleh hh (Rabu, Januari 12, 2022)

This is a vector note made by me during my matriculation studies. For the first time, I don't even think to share the notes as I thought it was not really could beneficial for other people, especially students. But, never mind. As I studied in a physics course (I'm an undergraduate, 2022), vectors could be very useful in mechanics because they can visually represent position, displacement, velocity, and acceleration. Such example, cross-product could be very useful when we want to find the angular momentum of the rigid body. You do really need to be good at vectors or at least get a basis. Then you can understand easily in mechanics. Vectors are about directions, that move through space. Thus, you should be able to imagine it as it's in 1, 2, or 3 dimensional.

The Crisis of Prism Derivative


Lately,  I'm having a crisis that I called a "Prism Derivative Crisis". Which is about the derivative of the prism. It's stressful and challenging. Yes, and it's an assignment under the Vibrations, Waves & Optics (VWO) course. More specifically, Optics. I can think that this is just an introduction. I'm sure I will be facing the worst(i mean hard) questions that can probably be asked. For Year 2, there is a course just for Optics. I'm not saying that this subject is not interesting and really difficult. If another student is able to do it, then I actually can too. It just consists of hardworking, struggle, and understanding.

Khamis, Januari 06, 2022

Kenali Inersia dan Momen Inersia


Oleh hh (Khamis, Januari 06, 2022)

Apa itu Inersia?
Semasa kita sekolah menengah mungkin kita sudah diperkenalkan apa itu inersia, inersia merupakan sifat semula jadi bagu suatu objek yang cenderung untuk menentang sebarang perubahan keadaan asalnya, sama ada objek tersebut dalam keadaan pegun ataupun sedang bergerak.

Inersia juga adalah ukuran betapa sukarnya untuk mengerakkan atau mengubah arah objek. Semakin tinggi inersia suatu objek itu, semakin sukarlah untuk memulakan objek itu bergerak, atau menghentikannya setelah ia bergerak.

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