Sabtu, Julai 13, 2024

Fick's law of Diffusion


Oleh hh (Sabtu, Julai 13, 2024)

Fick's law describes the rate at which particles (such as molecules, atoms, or ions) diffuse through a medium. It helps us explain how substances spread and equalize concentrations in various contexts.

Fick's First Law
- The movement of particles from regions of high concentration to areas of low concentration (diffusive flux) is directly proportional to the particle’s concentration gradient.

- In simpler terms, a solute will move from an area of high concentration to a low concentration across a concentration gradient.

- Mathematically, Fick's first law can be expressed as
-  (J) represents the diffusive flux (amount of substance passing through a unit area per unit time).

- (D) is the diffusion coefficient (specific to the substance and the medium).

- \(\frac{{dC}}{{dx}}\) is the concentration gradient (change in concentration with respect to distance).

Fick's Second Law
- This law predicts how the concentration gradient changes with time due to diffusion.

- It helps describe how the concentration profile evolves over time.

- The second law is derived from the first law and is identical to the diffusion equation,
$$\frac{{\partial C}}{{\partial t}} = D \nabla^2 C$$
Fickian Diffusion:
- When a diffusion process follows Fick’s laws, it is called normal or Fickian diffusion.

- In cases where diffusion deviates from Fick’s laws (such as diffusion through porous media or swelling penetrants), it is referred to as non-Fickian diffusion.

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