Selasa, Mac 14, 2023

The Limitations of Wien’s Displacement Law in Explaining Blackbody Radiation


Oleh hh (Selasa, Mac 14, 2023)

Wein's Law, also known as Wien's displacement law, is an inverse relationship between the maximum wavelength of radiation emitted by a blackbody and its temperature. This means that for every high wavelength, the temperature should be very low. At very low temperatures, we cannot obtain a continuous Wien curve even for a blackbody. Wein's Law alone is insufficient to fully explain the blackbody spectrum.

To understand this better, it is important to note that the blackbody spectrum is a characteristic frequency distribution of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a blackbody when it is at a uniform temperature. This emission is also known as blackbody radiation.

One of the limitations of Wien's Law is that it only predicts the wavelength at which the blackbody emits the most radiation, but it does not explain the entire spectral distribution of the blackbody radiation. This means that Wien's Law fails to explain the low-frequency or long-wavelength region of the spectrum, which can be better explained by Planck's Law.

Planck's Law, on the other hand, describes the entire spectrum of blackbody radiation, including both the high and low-frequency regions. It is based on the idea that energy is transferred in discrete units, or quanta, rather than continuously, as predicted by classical physics. This concept is now fundamental to the understanding of quantum mechanics.

In summary, while Wien's Law is useful in predicting the wavelength of maximum emission from a blackbody, it fails to explain the entire spectral distribution of blackbody radiation. Planck's Law, which takes into account the quantization of energy, provides a more comprehensive explanation of the blackbody spectrum.

Sumber Rujukan:
[1] "When a blackbody is at a uniform temperature, its emission has a characteristic frequency distribution that depends on the temperature. This emission is called blackbody radiation. A room temperature blackbody appears black, as most of the energy it radiates is infrared and cannot be perceived by the human eye." URL:

[2] "The blackbody radiation curve was known experimentally, but its shape eluded physical explanation until the year 1900. The physical model of a blackbody at temperature T is that of the electromagnetic waves enclosed in a cavity (see Figure 6.2) and at thermodynamic equilibrium with the cavity walls." URL:

[3] "Wiens law identifies the dominant (peak) wavelength, or color, of light coming from a body at a given temperature. As the oven temperature varies, so does the frequency at which the emitted radiation is most intense (Figure 1.1.3 ). In fact, that frequency is directly proportional to the absolute temperature: νmax ∝ T" URL:

[4] "Wiens law, also called Wiens displacement law, relationship between the temperature of a blackbody (an ideal substance that emits and absorbs all frequencies of light) and the wavelength at which it emits the most light. It is named after German physicist Wilhelm Wien, who received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1911 for discovering the law." URL:

[5] "Apply Wiens and Stefans laws to analyze radiation emitted by a blackbody Explain Plancks hypothesis of energy quanta All bodies emit electromagnetic radiation over a range of wavelengths. In an earlier chapter, we learned that a cooler body radiates less energy than a warmer body." URL:

[6] "The Wiens displacement law can be obtained by determining the maxima of Plancks law. For this purpose, the function ( 1) must be derived with respects to the wavelength λ. By using the product rule and setting the derivative equal to zero" URL:

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