Jumaat, Mac 03, 2023

Incredulity toward metanarratives


Oleh hh (Jumaat, Mac 03, 2023)

"Incredulity toward metanarratives" is a phrase coined by Jean Francois Lyotard¹ to describe a postmodern attitude of skepticism and distrust towards grand narratives or universal truths that claim to explain everything⁴. A metanarrative is a big story that tries to justify a certain worldview or ideology, such as religion, science, nationalism, etc.⁶ Lyotard argues that in the postmodern era, people have become more aware of the diversity and complexity of reality, and they no longer accept one single story as authoritative or legitimate³. Instead, they prefer smaller stories that are more local, personal, and contextual¹.

To put it simply, imagine you are reading a book that tells you how the world works and what you should do with your life. But then you find out that there are many other books that tell different stories about the world and life. You start to doubt whether the first book is really true or not. You become incredulous toward its metanarrative. You realize that there is no one right answer or one right way to live. You decide to explore different perspectives and experiences instead of following one fixed path.

One possible effect of incredulity toward metanarratives on society is that it challenges the dominant narratives that have been used to justify certain forms of power and oppression, such as patriarchy, colonialism, racism, etc. By exposing the diversity and multiplicity of voices and experiences that have been silenced or marginalized by these narratives, postmodernism can create a space for resistance and emancipation. For example, some feminist writers have used postmodern techniques to subvert and critique the patriarchal metanarrative that has defined women's roles and identities in a male-dominated society.

Another possible effect of incredulity toward metanarratives on society is that it creates a sense of uncertainty and fragmentation in the face of complex and contradictory realities. Without a clear sense of direction or purpose, people may feel lost or confused about their place in the world. They may also become more cynical or relativistic about truth and values. This can lead to a loss of social cohesion and solidarity, as well as a decline in moral and political engagement.

Sumber Rujukan :
[1] The postmodern as “the incredulity towards metanarratives”. https://literariness.org/2016/04/03/the-postmodern-as-the-incredulity-towards-metanarratives/ Dicapai 03/03/2023.

[2] Metanarrative - New World Encyclopedia. https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Metanarrative Dicapai 03/03/2023.

[3] Metanarrative - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metanarrative Dicapai 03/03/2023.

[4] Critically assess Lyotard's 'incredulity towards metanarratives .... https://studentshare.org/environmental-studies/1422139-critically-assess-lyotard-s-incredulity-towards Dicapai 03/03/2023.

[5] Lyotard, Jean-François | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. https://iep.utm.edu/lyotard/ Dicapai 03/03/2023.

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