Rabu, Mac 15, 2023

The Breakdown of Classical Mechanics (CM)


Oleh hh (Rabu, Mac 15, 2023)

The breakdown of classical mechanics is often discussed in the context of the development of quantum mechanics, which is a theory that describes the behavior of microscopic bodies such as subatomic particles, atoms, and other small bodies. The traditional introduction to quantum mechanics involves discussing the breakdown of classical mechanics and where quantum mechanics steps in.

This is often illustrated by three examples: blackbody radiation, the photoelectric effect, and hydrogen emission of light.

Classical mechanics is a theory that deals with how objects move when they are subjected to various forces, and what forces act on an object which is not moving. However, there are situations where classical mechanics cannot explain the observed phenomenon, and this is where the breakdown of classical mechanics occurs.

The Blackbody Radiation
Blackbody radiation is electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by a hot object. Classical mechanics predicts that the radiation emitted should increase without limit as the temperature of the object increases, but experimental observations showed that there is a maximum wavelength beyond which the radiation emitted decreases. This observation cannot be explained by classical mechanics, but it can be explained by quantum mechanics.

The Photoelectric Effect
The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons from a metal surface when it is exposed to light. Classical mechanics predicts that the electrons should be emitted with a continuous range of energies, but experimental observations showed that the electrons are emitted with discrete energies. This inconsistency led to the development of quantum mechanics, which describes the photoelectric effect using the concept of photons, or particles of electromagnetic energy.

Classical mechanics was based on the assumption that energy could be continuously divided into smaller and smaller units. However, the photoelectric effect provided evidence that energy is quantized, meaning it can only be exchanged in discrete packets of energy, known as quanta. This discovery of the quantization of energy marked a significant departure from the classical mechanics that had governed physics for over two centuries.

Hydrogen Emission of Light
In the case of hydrogen emission of light, classical mechanics predicts that the electrons in the hydrogen atom should be able to orbit the nucleus at any distance and at any speed they want. However, this is not what we observe. Instead, we observe that only certain discrete energy levels are allowed for the electron in the hydrogen atom. When an electron falls from a higher energy level to a lower one, it emits a photon of light with a specific energy and frequency.

The reason for this behavior can be explained by quantum mechanics, which is a more accurate theory for describing the behavior of small particles. According to quantum mechanics, the electron in the hydrogen atom can only exist in certain discrete energy levels, and when it falls from a higher energy level to a lower one, it emits a photon of light with a specific energy and frequency that corresponds to the energy difference between the two levels.

This behavior is not predicted by classical mechanics because classical mechanics assumes that the electron can exist at any energy level and orbit the nucleus at any distance and speed. However, this is not the case in reality, as observed through experiments. Quantum mechanics provides a more accurate description of the behavior of small particles and is necessary to explain phenomena like hydrogen emission of light.

Position and Momentum of a Simultaneous Particle
Another example that demonstrates the limitations of classical mechanics is the behavior of subatomic particles. According to classical mechanics, we can determine the position and momentum of an object simultaneously. However, this is not possible for subatomic particles due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to determine the exact position and momentum of a particle simultaneously.

- hh

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