Jumaat, Mac 31, 2023

People don't talk about death very often


Oleh hh (Jumaat, Mac 31, 2023)

Just having thought about what Vicki said. We are often afraid of something that we don't understand. E.g. math. Some people might get scared of it because they don't really understand it. They are afraid that, they might get wrong. But when we really tried to understand and practice it, you might feel a bit better. But, what about death?

Our society often prefers to focus on the positive aspects of life, and talking about death can be seen as morbid or depressing. Talking about death or something we are afraid of can be a deeply uncomfortable topic for many people. But did you know that there are cultures that embrace death as a natural part of life, and even celebrate it, such as the Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de Muertos or Día de los Muertos) in Mexico? Sometimes having open conversations about death can be beneficial but it needs a proper approach to death with sensitivity and empathy.

On the psychological facts, when people talk about their grief and loss, it actually can help them process their emotions and move forward. In many cases, avoiding the topic can lead to unresolved feelings and prolonged emotional suffering. Such conversations can help people come to terms with their mortality and perhaps even alleviate some of the fear and anxiety associated with death.

- hh (3:35 AM; 31/3/2023)

Isnin, Mac 27, 2023

Renyah-renyuh berdudukan hadapan


Oleh hh (Isnin, Mac 27, 2023)

Jadi saya dalam perjalanan nak pulang ke USM dan saya dapat tempat duduk bahagian paling hadapan (dah tu je tinggal). Bagi seseorang yang sudah kerap menaiki bas, mungkin kalian akan perasan bahawa kebanyakan penumpang tidak memilih tempat duduk paling depan (awalan 1A dan seumpamanya). Tak percaya? Cubalah tempah bas lewat sedikit dan cuba rasai sendiri mengapa.

Bila dapat duduk depan ni baru saya tahu kenapa ramai tak mahu duduk sini.

Pertama, cara pemanduan pemandu bas ini sedikit meluruhkan jantung. Haha. Boleh sakit jantung woo. Pernah ketika pemandu bas tu siap main whatsapp masa memandu. Perangai pemandu bas yang memang dah kebiasaan membawa bas ini selalunya mereka sangat selamba. Jadi, kita ini yang sekadar pemandu kereta atau motorsikal sahaja kadangkala merasakan macam tak sempat ja atau hampir-hampir akan terlanggar sesuatu. Mesti akan ada rasa benda tak kena. Namun, pemandu bas ini tahu masa yang terbaik untuk brek, putar stering, masuk laluan mana, etc. Mungkin kita sahaja yang paranoid! Kalau korang luahkan perasaan kat pemandu bas tu mungkin pemandu bas tersebut akan minta korang untuk tidur (ganggu saja Zzz).

Seterusnya, seorang pemandu bas mempunyai penglihatan yang terhad, bermakna bukan semua sudut bas dia boleh nampak maka lebih banyak blindspot bagi pemandu bas ini (masih boleh pertimbangkan bahawa adanya fungsi sensor). Namun, dengan kepakaran pemandu bas yang berpengalaman ini begitu banyaknya kenyarisan bas ini nak bergesel dengan benda lain dapat dielakkan. Den pun tak tahu macam mana banyak sangat "luck". Apatah lagi bila berhadapan dengan tempat yang sempit dan padat untuk bas yang besar tersebut untuk bergerak. Ini pun meluruhkan jantung penumpang hadapan juga! Jangan harap nak dapat tidur lena bila duduk depan.

Faktor yang seterusnya adalah mungkin faktor cahaya. Selalunya tempat duduk di depan ini terdedah dengan cahaya dari cermin hadapan bas. Tak semua orang suka terdedah dengan cahaya, sebab itu banyaknya penumpang pilih tempat bahagian belakang selalunya. Lebih lena nak tidur! Tapi bagi pendapat saya sendiri, saya suka melihat apa yang berlaku di luar bas, kadangkala ada langsir tertutup tu saya akan buka (Single seat only!).

Faktor terakhir adalah keselamatan. Penumpang di bahagian hadapan mempunyai risiko kemalangan yang lebih tinggi berbanding penumpang di bahagian belakang. Tapi ajal maut di tangan Allah kan? Tidak kisah pun anda duduk di mana, berdoalah bahawa Allah akan menjaga keselamatan kita (Selamat pergi dan pulang).

Apapun den masih enjoy duduk hadapan. Muka masa hg tidur pun orang tak perasan! dan den tabik dekat pemandu bas yang sangat gagah nak membawa bas dari utara ke selatan (hanya dengan sekali perhentian).

Tak dapat banyak A dalam exam, dapat seat A1 pun bolehlah :')

- hh (12:33AM, 27/3/2023)

Ahad, Mac 26, 2023

From Bitterness to Addiction: My Love Affair with Kerepek Peria


Oleh hh (Ahad, Mac 26, 2023)

Thanks to my mom's introduction, kerepek peria has become my latest addiction. I'll be honest - bitter gourd has never been on my list of favorites (as it always taste bitter). Even when my dad tried to convince us otherwise, I just couldn't get past the bitterness (It's funny how my dad was still able to trick my sister by saying it was not bitter at all).

Not going to lie, Im not a bitter gourd fan actually. But then came kerepek peria, and everything changed. The crispy texture mixed with spicy flavors was a game-changer for me - bitter without being overwhelming, and perfectly balanced with just enough heat.

If you're not a fan of bitter gourd, you might want to give it a chance for kerepek peria. Trust me when I say that even if you don't love bitter foods, there's something about the combination of flavors here that is simply addictive! Personally, I've devoured three jars already..Subhanallah.. here's hoping that God blesses me with good health despite this delicious new obsession 😅

Im bringing it back to USM. Going to order if it's out of stock.
#NoGanja #YesPeria

- hh (2:04 AM, 26/3/2023)

Khamis, Mac 23, 2023

Normalization of the wave function


Oleh hh (Khamis, Mac 23, 2023)

Normalization of the wave function means finding the form of the wave function that makes the statement \(\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} |\psi(x)|^2 dx = 1\) true. This is a physical condition that ensures that the absolute square of the wave function represents the probability density of finding a particle at a given position. In other words, normalization ensures that the total probability of finding the particle anywhere in space is equal to one. Normalizing a wave function is important because it allows us to calculate expectation values and variances of physical observables. A normalized wave function also stays normalized as it evolves in time according to Schrödinger's equation.

Macam ciri-ciri yang perlu dipatuhi. Sesuatu fungsi gelombang itu perlu mematuhi suatu kenyataan, untuk mengatakan bahawa is mematuhi tafsiran kebarangkalian mekanik kuantum.

Normalization is important because it ensures that the wave function satisfies the probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics. Moreover, it can be shown that if a wave function is normalized at one instant of time, then it remains normalized as it evolves according to Schrödinger's equation.

If you don’t normalize your wave function, then you will not be able to use it to calculate the probabilities of different outcomes of measurements. For example, if you want to find the probability of finding a particle in a certain region of space, you have to integrate the square of the normalized wave function over that region. If your wave function is not normalized, then this integral will not give you a meaningful result.

Another consequence of not normalizing your wave function is that you will not be able to compare different wave functions in terms of their relative probabilities. For example, if you have two possible wave functions for a particle, ψ1(x) and ψ2(x), and you want to know which one is more likely to occur, you have to compare their normalization constants. If ψ1(x) has a larger normalization constant than ψ2(x), then it means that ψ1(x) is more probable than ψ2(x). However, if your wave functions are not normalized, then this comparison will not make sense.

Therefore, it is always advisable to normalize your wave function before using it for any physical application. Normalization is a simple and essential step in quantum mechanics that ensures the consistency and validity of the theory.

A wave function is a mathematical description of the quantum state of a system. The wave function contains all the information about the system that can be measured by an observer.

One of the properties of a wave function is that it must be normalized. This means that the probability of finding the system in any possible state is equal to one. Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

$$\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} |\psi(x,t)|^2 dx = 1$$

where $\psi(x,t)$ is the wave function, $x$ is the position variable, and $t$ is the time variable.

The normalization condition ensures that the wave function is consistent with the probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics. It also allows us to calculate expectation values and variances of physical observables using the inner product of wave functions.

To answer your question, we need to show that $\psi(x,t)$ must go to zero as $x$ goes to $\pm \infty$, otherwise, the normalization condition cannot be satisfied.

To see this, let us assume that $\psi(x,t)$ does not go to zero as $x$ goes to $\pm \infty$. Then there exists some positive constant $\epsilon$ such that $|\psi(x,t)|^2 > \epsilon$ for some values of $x$ that are arbitrarily large or small. This implies that:

$$\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} |\psi(x,t)|^2 dx > \int_{-\infty}^{-M} |\psi(x,t)|^2 dx + \int_{M}^{+\infty} |\psi(x,t)|^2 dx > 2\epsilon M$$

where $M$ is any positive number. As we can make $M$ as large as we want, we see that the integral on the left-hand side diverges to infinity. This contradicts the normalization condition, which requires that the integral equals one.

Therefore, we conclude that $\psi(x,t)$ must go to zero as $x$ goes to $\pm \infty$, in order for the wave function to be normalized.

Rabu, Mac 15, 2023

Spectral of Hydrogen: The problems of Thomson’s & Rutherford's Model of Atom


Oleh hh (Rabu, Mac 15, 2023)

So, you might have learned in your physics classes about the models of the atom developed by J.J. Thomson and Ernest Rutherford. However, these models didn't quite explain everything observed in the hydrogen spectrum. To understand why let's first talk a bit about the hydrogen spectrum.

The hydrogen spectrum is the set of colors (or wavelengths) of light that hydrogen gas emits when it's excited by some external source, like an electric current. Scientists noticed that the hydrogen spectrum wasn't a continuous spectrum of colors, like a rainbow, but instead had distinct lines of colors. These lines were arranged in series, which were named after the people who discovered them, such as the Balmer series, the Lyman series, and the Paschen series.

Now, back to Thomson's and Rutherford's models of the atom. Both of these models proposed that the atom had a positively charged nucleus at its center, with negatively charged electrons orbiting around it. However, the models didn't quite explain the hydrogen spectrum. Thomson's model, in particular, had the problem of not being able to explain why the electrons would emit discrete lines of light instead of a continuous spectrum. Rutherford's model was an improvement in that it proposed that the electrons orbited the nucleus in a fixed, circular path, but it still didn't explain why the electrons would only emit certain colors of light.

It wasn't until later that scientists like Niels Bohr proposed a new model of the atom that could explain the hydrogen spectrum. Bohr's model suggested that the electrons orbited the nucleus in specific energy levels and that the electrons could only emit or absorb certain amounts of energy when they moved between these levels. This energy corresponded to specific colors of light, which were the lines observed in the hydrogen spectrum. This model was able to explain the discrete nature of the hydrogen line spectrum, and marked a significant step forward in our understanding of atomic structure.

So, to sum up, Thomson's and Rutherford's models of the atom didn't quite explain everything observed in the hydrogen spectrum. The spectrum of hydrogen consists of a series of lines at specific wavelengths, known as the hydrogen line spectrum. Each line in the spectrum corresponded to a specific energy level transition of the electron in the hydrogen atom.


1. Spectra: Spectra are produced for any energy of light and hold a wide variety of information about the source of the light. For instance, each mechanism by which an object can produce light has a characteristic spectrum.

2. Spectrum of Hydrogen: The visible light spectrum is a subset of the hydrogen emission spectrum, which also includes UV and infrared regions. The primary cause of the hydrogen line emission spectrum is electron transitioning from a high energy state to a low energy state. The spectrum is complex and comprises more than the three lines visible to the naked eye.

3. Problems with Thomson's and Rutherford's Model of Atom: Both Thomson's and Rutherford's models of the atom had problems. Thomson's model, which proposed that the atom was a uniform sphere of positive charge with electrons embedded in it, couldn't explain why electrons didn't just crash into the positively charged center. Rutherford's model, which proposed that the atom had a positively charged center (nucleus) with electrons orbiting around it, couldn't explain why the electrons didn't spiral into the nucleus. These problems led to the development of newer and more inclusive models.

The Breakdown of Classical Mechanics (CM)


The breakdown of classical mechanics is often discussed in the context of the development of quantum mechanics, which is a theory that describes the behavior of microscopic bodies such as subatomic particles, atoms, and other small bodies. The traditional introduction to quantum mechanics involves discussing the breakdown of classical mechanics and where quantum mechanics steps in.

This is often illustrated by three examples: blackbody radiation, the photoelectric effect, and hydrogen emission of light.

Classical mechanics is a theory that deals with how objects move when they are subjected to various forces, and what forces act on an object which is not moving. However, there are situations where classical mechanics cannot explain the observed phenomenon, and this is where the breakdown of classical mechanics occurs.

The Blackbody Radiation
Blackbody radiation is electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by a hot object. Classical mechanics predicts that the radiation emitted should increase without limit as the temperature of the object increases, but experimental observations showed that there is a maximum wavelength beyond which the radiation emitted decreases. This observation cannot be explained by classical mechanics, but it can be explained by quantum mechanics.

The Photoelectric Effect
The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons from a metal surface when it is exposed to light. Classical mechanics predicts that the electrons should be emitted with a continuous range of energies, but experimental observations showed that the electrons are emitted with discrete energies. This inconsistency led to the development of quantum mechanics, which describes the photoelectric effect using the concept of photons, or particles of electromagnetic energy.

Classical mechanics was based on the assumption that energy could be continuously divided into smaller and smaller units. However, the photoelectric effect provided evidence that energy is quantized, meaning it can only be exchanged in discrete packets of energy, known as quanta. This discovery of the quantization of energy marked a significant departure from the classical mechanics that had governed physics for over two centuries.

Hydrogen Emission of Light
In the case of hydrogen emission of light, classical mechanics predicts that the electrons in the hydrogen atom should be able to orbit the nucleus at any distance and at any speed they want. However, this is not what we observe. Instead, we observe that only certain discrete energy levels are allowed for the electron in the hydrogen atom. When an electron falls from a higher energy level to a lower one, it emits a photon of light with a specific energy and frequency.

The reason for this behavior can be explained by quantum mechanics, which is a more accurate theory for describing the behavior of small particles. According to quantum mechanics, the electron in the hydrogen atom can only exist in certain discrete energy levels, and when it falls from a higher energy level to a lower one, it emits a photon of light with a specific energy and frequency that corresponds to the energy difference between the two levels.

This behavior is not predicted by classical mechanics because classical mechanics assumes that the electron can exist at any energy level and orbit the nucleus at any distance and speed. However, this is not the case in reality, as observed through experiments. Quantum mechanics provides a more accurate description of the behavior of small particles and is necessary to explain phenomena like hydrogen emission of light.

Position and Momentum of a Simultaneous Particle
Another example that demonstrates the limitations of classical mechanics is the behavior of subatomic particles. According to classical mechanics, we can determine the position and momentum of an object simultaneously. However, this is not possible for subatomic particles due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to determine the exact position and momentum of a particle simultaneously.

- hh

Selasa, Mac 14, 2023

The Limitations of Wien’s Displacement Law in Explaining Blackbody Radiation


Oleh hh (Selasa, Mac 14, 2023)

Wein's Law, also known as Wien's displacement law, is an inverse relationship between the maximum wavelength of radiation emitted by a blackbody and its temperature. This means that for every high wavelength, the temperature should be very low. At very low temperatures, we cannot obtain a continuous Wien curve even for a blackbody. Wein's Law alone is insufficient to fully explain the blackbody spectrum.

To understand this better, it is important to note that the blackbody spectrum is a characteristic frequency distribution of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a blackbody when it is at a uniform temperature. This emission is also known as blackbody radiation.

One of the limitations of Wien's Law is that it only predicts the wavelength at which the blackbody emits the most radiation, but it does not explain the entire spectral distribution of the blackbody radiation. This means that Wien's Law fails to explain the low-frequency or long-wavelength region of the spectrum, which can be better explained by Planck's Law.

Planck's Law, on the other hand, describes the entire spectrum of blackbody radiation, including both the high and low-frequency regions. It is based on the idea that energy is transferred in discrete units, or quanta, rather than continuously, as predicted by classical physics. This concept is now fundamental to the understanding of quantum mechanics.

In summary, while Wien's Law is useful in predicting the wavelength of maximum emission from a blackbody, it fails to explain the entire spectral distribution of blackbody radiation. Planck's Law, which takes into account the quantization of energy, provides a more comprehensive explanation of the blackbody spectrum.

Love the things we hate


If you cannot endure the fatigue of studying, then you will bear the pain of ignorance.

Sometimes it can be hard to love the things we hate, especially when studying subjects we don’t enjoy. However, there are some ways that might help you change your perspective and attitude toward them. According to some articles, there are some tips that you can try,
  • Don’t do what you love. Learn to love what you do. Instead of focusing on finding your passion or following your dreams, try to find value and meaning in what you are doing right now. Think about how your studies can help you achieve your goals, improve your skills, or contribute to society.
  • Adopt a craftsman’s mindset. People with this mindset focus on developing their abilities and mastering their craft, rather than seeking validation or recognition. They see challenges as opportunities to grow and learn, rather than obstacles to avoid. They also seek feedback and criticism to improve their performance, rather than taking it personally.
  • Find a way to make it fun or exciting. You can use different strategies to make your studies more enjoyable or engaging, such as gamifying them, rewarding yourself for completing tasks, using various media or formats (such as videos, podcasts, quizzes), or finding connections between the subject and your interests or hobbies.
  • Change your environment or routine. Sometimes a simple change of scenery or schedule can make a big difference in how you feel about something. You can try studying in a different place (such as a library, a park, a cafe), at a different time (such as early morning, or late night), or with different people (such as friends, and classmates). You can also experiment with different methods of studying (such as flashcards, and mind maps) or different tools (such as apps).
Suka tapi benci.

- hh

Memanfaatkan teknologi dalam pengurusan hidup


Dalam dunia pascamodenisasi ini, pengurusan hidup merupakan aspek penting bagi seseorang individu untuk memastikan diri kita tidak hanyut dalam arus yang tidak baik serta melekakan. Terdapat banyak cabaran dan dugaan dalam kehidupan hari ini yang boleh memberi kesan terhadap kualiti hidup seseorang. Teknologi juga sudah menjadi sebahagian daripada darah daging kita yang tidak boleh dipisahkan. Cuba anda fikirkan berapa lama telefon pintar anda bersama-sama anda? Atau mungkin berapa lama anda mampu bertahan tanpa sebarang teknologi? Walaupun demikian, hakikatnya adalah kita tidak lagi mampu mengelak daripada penggunaan teknologi. Ia sudah menjadi satu keperluan, dan kita harus beradaptasi dengan bijak ketika menggunakannya.

Melihat sudut konteks pengurusan hidup, penggunaan teknologi sangat memberi impak besar terhadap pengurusan hidup seseorang. Pada satu sudut positif, ia dapat meningkatkan keproduktifan bagi seorang insan yang hidup dalam dunia yang serba bermaklumat ini. Kita sedia maklum bagaimana dunia hari ini sangat dipenuhi dengan maklumat dan ilmu pengetahuan. Bak kata pepatah yang biasa didengari, semuanya di hujung jari. Namun, tidak semua maklumat atau fakta itu membawa manfaat pada diri seorang insan. Oleh demikian, menguruskan ilmu pengetahuan juga menjadi keperluan bagi individu dalam mencapai hidup yang lebih bermakna pada zaman sekarang. Hidup pada hari ini tidak lagi mengetengahkan perihal kuantiti yang ada dalam seseorang, tetapi kehidupan pada hari ini lebih mengutamakan kualiti yang mana menjadi penanda aras nilai insan kamil individu itu.

Oleh hal yang demikian, saya melihat keperluan teknologi dalam membantu sampingan kita menguruskan hidup ini. Terdapat beberapa aplikasi atau perisian yang saya kira dapat membantu kita menguruskan hidup yang ideal dan efektif. Antara yang banyak menjadi kegunaan masyarakat sekarang adalah platform Notion.so. Notion.so ialah platform pengurusan projek dan nota yang membolehkan pengguna membuat, menguruskan, berkongsi dan mengakses nota, jadual waktu, dan projek dalam satu platform yang mudah digunakan dan disesuaikan. Ia mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti penjanaan halaman web, senarai tugasan, jadual waktu, peta mental dan banyak lagi, yang menjadikannya alat yang berguna untuk individu, pasukan, dan syarikat dalam pelbagai bidang seperti pengurusan projek, pemasaran, penyelidikan, dan banyak lagi.

Bergantung bagi seseorang individu, bertanya pada pendapat saya. Kecederungan saya dalam melaksanakan pengurusan hidup dalam platform ini adalah secara minimalis. Hal ini adalah kerana pengurusan hidup yang lebih teliti dan mendalam memerlukan kebergantungjawaban yang lebih tinggi. Mungkin secara ringkasnya sebelum ini anda tidak pernah melakukan "To-do list", jika anda melaksanakan terus beserta ciri-ciri yang spesifik anda akan dapati sukar untuk anda mengikuti pengurusan tersebut. Hakikatnya bukanlah pengurusan hidup yang tidak berkesan namun diri yang tidak mampu istiqamah dalam melakukannya. Oleh hal demikian, adalah keperluan untuk bermula menguruskan hidup secara ringkas dan tidak terbeban sekiranya anda tidak pernah menguruskan beberapa atribut dalam hidup anda. Bahkan mungkin dalam peralihan metod penggunaan menjadi pengaruh seseorang individu itu tidak mampu mengikuti apa yang ditetapkan dalam tugasan. Misalnya, seseorang yang sudah biasa menggunakan buku fizikal sebagai bahan pengurusannya kemudian ia berpindah kepada penggunaan teknologi mungkin akan mengalami sedikit kelengahan.

- hh (12:56 PM; 14/3/2023)

Khamis, Mac 09, 2023

Aliran - Metod merungkai rahsia kebahagiaan


Oleh hh (Khamis, Mac 09, 2023)


Apa itu Aliran?

Sebahagian daripada kita terus-menerus mengejar kebahagiaan. Namun, sangat sukar bagi kita untuk capai kebahagiaan yang bersifat berkekalan.

Kebiasaannya, apabila kita mencapai sesuatu matlamat ataupun memperoleh sesuatu, kebahagiaan kita akan bersifat sementara.

Tetapi perasaan bahagia itu tidak kekal lama - kelak, kita akan mencari keinginan baru yang jauh lebih baik (untuk memuaskan hati dalam mencari kebahagiaan).

Sebagai hasilnya, kita akan terus malar melihat perkara lain menuju hal berikutnya. Misalnya, rumah yang lebih bagus, pekerjaan yang lebih baik, mahupun percutian yang lebih santai.

Namun apabila kita terlalu bergantung kepada "perkara luar" yang memberikan kita kebahagiaan, kita akan kehilangan kemampuan untuk mencari kebahagiaan di "dalamnya".

Jika pengalaman yang singkat mahupun ganjaran sesuatu benda tidak membuatkan kita merasa bahagia dan tidak terpenuhi dalam jangka masa panjang, jadi apa ertinya?

Menurut ahli psikologi, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi dalam bukunya Flow, beliau cuba menjawab bagi persoalan ini dengan membuat tinjauan terhadap orang ramai tentang saat-saat paling bahagia dalam hidup mereka.

Beliau dan rakan penyelidikannya telah mempelajari ribuan orang di seluruh dunia termasuklah di Korea, Thailand, Jepun, Itali, dan Amerika Syarikat. Dan mereka menemui bahawa merentasi zaman, budaya dan tempat; manusia cenderung menggambarkan pengalaman ketika kebahagiaan dengan cara yang sama.

Kesemua mereka melaporkan perasaan yang terbaik apabila mereka benar-benar terlibat dalam aktiviti yang memerlukan usaha dan tumpuan.
Dalam fasa ini, Csikszentmihalyi menulis, "Nothing else seems to matter; the experience itself is so enjoyable that people will do it even at great cost."

Beliau memanggil fasa ini sebagai Flow (Aliran), dan telah mengembangkan teori yang sangat berpengaruh tentang mengapa ia sangat memuaskan, dan bagaimana kita dapat mencapainya lebih lagi.

Dengan memahami apa itu fasa aliran, kita dapat mengatur keadaan yang ideal untuk mengalaminya.

Kita dapat mengaplikasikan hukum aliran ini dalam semua aspek kehidupan kita - dengan mencari lebih menyeronokkan, produktiviti, dan malah hidup dengan lebih bermakna.

"People are happiest when they are in a state of flow, or total immersion in an activity that requires sustained focus and effort." - Flow oleh Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

Mengapa mencapai aliran memberikan kita kebahagiaan yang lebih lama berbanding pencapaian kebendaan, tidak?

Csikszentmihalyi menerangkan hal ini dengan membuat perbezaan antara dua perasaan positif, iaitu kepuasan (pleasure) dan kenikmatan (enjoyment).

Banyak perkara yang kita kejar memberikan kita kepuasan - seperti tidur, makan, hiburan, berbelanja, lepak, etc - tetapi hanya sementara.

Kenikmatan, Csikszentmihalyi menulis, "is an important component of the quality of life, but itself does not bring us happiness."

Sebaliknya, beliau berpendapat bahawa kita mendapatkan kebahagiaan abadi dari perbuatan yang memberikan kita kenikmatan.

Menikmati pengalaman memerlukan tumpuan dan niat, berbanding penggunaan pasif (passive consumption).

Aktiviti yang mengasyikkan kenikmatan juga membenarkan pertumbuhan (growth): "a sense of novelty, of accomplishment" atau mencapai sesuatu yang mencabar.

Beberapa contoh aktiviti memberi kenikmatan yang memerlukan usaha dan tumpuan termasuklah,

i. Membaca buku yang membuka minda kepada idea baru.

ii. Melakukan hobi kreatif ataupun artistik seperti melukis.

iii. Bermain permainan badminton dengan komponen lawan yang lebih hebat.

Mengenalpasti aktiviti yang memberikan nikmat adalah kunci untuk mencapai agenda Aliran.

"To achieve happiness, choose experiences you can enjoy - ones that require focus and intention, and allow growth - over activities you passively consume." - Flow oleh Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

Sekiranya kita dapat mengaplikasikan konsep ini dalam aktiviti kerohanian atau ibadah dengan cara yang betul, kita juga dapat merasai kenikmatan yang sebenarnya di dunia ini.

Dengan haluan dan niat yang betul, kita dapat mencapai manis serta nikmatnya iman dalam kita melaksanakan suatu ibadah tersebut.

- hh (9/3/2023 - 3:29 AM)

Catatan Tambahan (CT) : Jika anda memerlukan bacaan yang sedikit mendalam (sedalamnya jika anda membaca buku itu sendiri), anda boleh baca artikel ini https://positivepsychology.com/mihaly-csikszentmihalyi-father-of-flow/.

Rabu, Mac 08, 2023

Real Analysis's prologue


Oleh hh (Rabu, Mac 08, 2023)

Real analysis is a fascinating area of mathematical analysis that focuses on understanding the behavior of real numbers, sequences, and functions. In this field, we dive deep into exploring concepts like convergence, limits, continuity, differentiability, and integrability of real-valued sequences and functions.

The study of real analysis is vital because it has numerous practical applications in different fields, including physics, economics, and computer science. Understanding the behavior of real numbers and functions helps us develop a better understanding of the natural world and helps us solve real-world problems.

If you're interested in learning real analysis, you should know that it's typically studied in the context of real numbers, including positive and negative infinity. However, it's worth noting that real analysis is different from mathematical analysis, which covers a broader range of topics, including continuous functions, limits, differentiation, integration, measure, infinite sequences, series, and analytic functions.

Real analysis can be studied at different levels, depending on your interests and needs. For instance, undergraduate mathematics or physics students often take a basic course in real analysis, which is a prerequisite for more advanced courses. So, whether you're an aspiring mathematician, physicist, or computer scientist, learning real analysis can be a great way to enhance your understanding of the world around you.

Why do people (I mean students) say real analysis was hard?
Real analysis is often considered challenging because it requires a rigorous approach to calculus, the construction of real numbers, continuity, metric spaces, and more. Many students find it difficult because it is often the first time they are introduced to proofs beyond a simple level, and the material can be counterintuitive.

One way to make real analysis easier to understand is to learn some proof techniques and ways to attack a problem. This includes understanding the logic and the various methods of proof. It is also essential to appreciate the theorems, which are stronger and easier to understand, especially when applied back to real analysis.

Moreover, some people find real analysis difficult because there is no apparent connection to any other field of study or work. Unlike linear algebra, which has a direct connection to computer science or economics, it can be challenging to find frequent analogies from everyday work and translate them to real analysis.

Studying real analysis also trains the brain to think critically about proposed solutions, as though they were proofs, and identify incorrect assumptions, extra conditions, and logical flaws in reasoning. While the real analysis may not be extremely hard, it is challenging to get an A. It requires a lot of effort, time, and dedication to understand the material and apply it to different contexts.

In summary, real analysis is a branch of mathematical analysis that explores the behavior of real-valued sequences and functions, including concepts such as convergence, limits, continuity, smoothness, differentiability, and integrability. It is also considered difficult because of its rigorous approach to calculus and the unfamiliarity of proof techniques for many students. However, with effort and dedication, it is possible to understand and appreciate the theorems and their applications to real analysis. The subject is used extensively in many areas of science and engineering and can be studied at various levels depending on the needs and interests of the student.


Mathematics prerequisites for Quantum Mechanics


Quantum mechanics (QM) is a branch of physics that describes the behavior of matter and energy on a microscopic scale, such as atoms and subatomic particles. To study quantum mechanics (In the context of undergraduate level), one must have a solid understanding of mathematics. The following are the mathematical prerequisites for learning quantum mechanics,

1. Linear Algebra: Understanding linear algebra is fundamental to studying QM, as QM heavily relies on the concepts of linear algebra, such as vector spaces, inner products, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. A basic understanding of finite-dimensional linear algebra is sufficient for introductory QM courses, while infinite-dimensional linear algebra is used in more advanced courses. In the list (May have some overlooked topics),
  • Matrix algebra
  • Eigenvectors and eigenvalues
  • Inner product spaces and orthogonality
  • Unitary and Hermitian matrices
  • Diagonalization and the spectral theorem
  • Linear transformations, rank and nullity, and linear independence
  • Tensor product and tensor algebra
  • Dirac notation and bra-ket formalism
2. Calculus: A basic understanding of calculus is necessary, specifically derivatives and integrals (I-III). Multivariate calculus is helpful, but not mandatory.
  • Limits and continuity
  • Differentiation and integration
  • Differential equations and solutions
  • Taylor and Maclaurin series
  • Multivariable calculus and partial derivatives
  • Line integrals and Green's theorem
  • Stoke's theorem and divergence theorem
3. Probability Theory: Probability theory is used extensively in QM, especially in the interpretation of the wave function. Basic knowledge of probability theory is required to study QM.
  • Probability spaces and axioms
  • Random variables and distributions
  • Conditional probability and Bayes' rule
  • Expectation values and variance
  • Joint and marginal probabilities
  • Normal and Poisson distributions
  • Central limit theorem
  • Maximum likelihood estimation
4. Complex Numbers (Analysis): Understanding complex numbers is crucial in QM, as the wave function is a complex-valued function. The knowledge of complex analysis is required to study QM.
  • Algebraic properties of complex numbers
  • Complex functions, including exponential, trigonometric, and hyperbolic functions
  • Cauchy-Riemann equations and analytic functions
  • Complex integration, including contour integration and Cauchy's theorem
  • Power series and Laurent series expansions of complex functions
  • Residue theorem and its applications
5. Differential Equations: Basic knowledge of ordinary and partial differential equations is necessary to understand the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, which is a central equation in QM.
  • Basic concepts of calculus, including differentiation and integration
  • First-order differential equations, including separable and linear equations
  • Second-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients
  • Laplace transforms and their applications to solving differential equations
  • Fourier series and Fourier transforms and their applications to solving differential equations
6. Fourier Analysis: Fourier analysis is used in QM to study the properties of waves and wave functions. Basic knowledge of Fourier analysis is required to study QM.
  • Basic concepts of calculus, including differentiation and integration
  • Fourier series and their convergence properties
  • Fourier transforms and their inverse transforms
  • Applications of Fourier analysis, including signal processing and solving differential equations
Some sources suggest that knowledge of group theory and representation theory is also important for QM courses, although they are not required for introductory courses, especially in undergraduate programs. But still, important topics if you want a further understanding of advanced QM.

- hh

Sumber Rujukan :
[1] Quantum mechanics/Course - Wikiversity. https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Quantum_mechanics/Course Dicapai 08/03/2023.

[2] What are the mathematical prerequisites to quantum mechanics?. https://matheducators.stackexchange.com/questions/9918/what-are-the-mathematical-prerequisites-to-quantum-mechanics Dicapai 08/03/2023.

[3] What is the math knowledge necessary for starting Quantum Mechanics?. https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/16814/what-is-the-math-knowledge-necessary-for-starting-quantum-mechanics Dicapai 08/03/2023.

[4] "QM seems to use functional analysis, i.e., infinite dimensional linear algebra, but the truth is that you will do just fine if you understand the basic finite dimensional linear algebra in the usual linear algebra course and then pretend it is all true for Hilbert Spaces, too." URL: https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/16814/what-is-the-math-knowledge-necessary-for-starting-quantum-mechanics Dicapai 08/03/2023.

[5] "As stated above QM can be taught and understood at a variety of mathematical levels. At a minimum the required concepts are: 1) Linear Algebra 2) Probability Theory 3) Calculus (basic derivatives and integrals, multivariate would be even better) 4) Newtonian physics and vector mathematics" URL: https://matheducators.stackexchange.com/questions/9918/what-are-the-mathematical-prerequisites-to-quantum-mechanics Dicapai 08/03/2023.

[6] "For good quantum mechanics books, I would recommend: Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Dui, B., Laloe, F., Quantum Mechanics; Feynman, R.P. Hibbs, A., Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals; Landau, L.D., A Course of Theoretical Physics, Vol. III: Quantum Mechanics; Sakurai, J.J, Modern Quantum Mechanics" URL: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-mathematical-background-required-to-study-quantum-mechanics?share=1 Dicapai 08/03/2023.

[7] "You will need to understand vector spaces, dual bases, inner products, eigenvalues, etc. on a rigorous level. Group theory and representation theory are definitely not necessary. Although they are important to quantum mechanics, you will not see them until very advanced levels." URL: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/758502/mathematics-needed-in-the-study-of-quantum-physics Dicapai 08/03/2023.

[8] "Your colleges registrar should tell you which classes are prerequisites for quantum mechanics classes. If you want to know what subjects you have to understand in order to follow quantum mechanics, heres a decent list: 1. Be comfortable manipulating complex numbers. 2. Understand linear algebra." URL: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/prerequisites-of-quantum-mechanics.486773/ Dicapai 08/03/2023.

[9] "Other prerequisites include the math of linear algebra, Eulers formula from complex analysis and the bra-ket notation. Part 6 Schrödinger Equation Download Article Understand the Schrödinger equation. It is an equation that describes how the quantum state of a physical system changes in time." URL: https://www.wikihow.com/Understand-Quantum-Physics Dicapai 08/03/2023.

Isnin, Mac 06, 2023

De levande Kalanchoe-blommorna


Oleh hh (Isnin, Mac 06, 2023)

"Uncle, berapa harga untuk pasu ini?" Saya menyerahkan pasu tersebut pada Uncle untuk memeriksa semula harganya. Maklumlah, kebanyakkan kedai pokok mempunyai persekitaran semak dan bersepah, begitu juga dengan pasu-pasu yang tersedia. Maka, harga pasu juga boleh jadi beraneka. Namun, apabila melihat kedai pokok yang dijalankan oleh anak muda, banyak inovasi yang mereka bawa terutamanya dari segi sistem pengurusan yang mana ia lebih baik, sistematik dan kemas. Tidaklah hendak membidas orang lama namun mengikut perkembangan zaman sekarang, anak muda lebih mudah beradaptasi dengan kemudahan teknologi sedia ada dan mereka cuba untuk mengubah sistem yang lama dan lapuk menjadi sistem yang lebih minimalis serta mampu mengurangkan risiko perniagaan mereka.

"Ini dalam RM15" kata Uncle tersebut sambil menyerahkan pasu itu semula.

Saya sangat menyukai pasu tersebut, ia tidak terlalu tinggi dan besar, terbuat daripada seramik dan sangat klasik. Sesuai untuk menampung pokok bunga yang saya baru beli, Kalanchoe. Walau bagaimanapun, sengaja saya membeli pokok bunga tersebut dari sebuah kedai pokok yang berbeza kerana hendak meneroka kedai-kedai pokok di sekitar Pulau Pinang. Sebenarnya, tumbuhan ini membantu sedikit sebanyak kesihatan mental saya. Tidak tahu bagaimana hendak saya ungkapkan, tetapi apabila ada tumbuhan di sekitar, saya kurang untuk merasa cemas dan terkurung. Ia seolah-olah dapat menenangkan suasana.


Saya bertanya kepada Uncle tersebut jika ada perkhidmatan pemindahan pokok dan berapa harganya. Beliau mengatakan bahawa harga ditentukan setelah melihat pokoknya terlebih dahulu. Saya membawa pokok bunga tersebut yang terletak di raga motorsikal lalu untuk ditunjukkan kepada Uncle tersebut, lantas sahaja ditegur.

"Kalau pokok bunga ini macam lah, memang tak akan hidup lama. Lu nak letak indoor kan? Dua tiga bulan sahaja.. pastu" sambil Uncle tersebut membuat isyarat jari menandakan mati.

"Wa bukan mau untung, tapi wa kasitau jujur sama lu."

Saya sedikit kecewa dan agak sedih. Sebab pokok ini memang katanya untuk tanaman dalaman. Kemungkinan benar juga yang dikatakan oleh Uncle tersebut bahawa pokok berbunga ini tidak akan hidup lama jika diletakkan dalam rumah. Oleh sebab itu, kebanyakan tumbuhan dalaman atau tumbuhan hiasan dalam rumah tidak mempunyai bunga atau memerlukan sumber cahaya atau air yang banyak. Namun, berbeza dengan pokok bunga yang saya beli ini, meskipun tidak memerlukan sumber air yang banyak tetapi ia memerlukan sumber cahaya matahari yang mencukupi. Cuma ia tidak boleh mendapat cahaya matahari secara langsung.

Apapun saya berterima kasih kepada Uncle tersebut atas nasihat yang diberikan. Ini bukanlah kali pertama saya menjaga pokok, malah sudah berkali-kali. Namun sekali ini saya mendapat iktibar daripada pokok bunga ini apabila jauh saya merenungnya. Antaranya,

i. Ketidakabadian (Impermanence)

Bunga-bunga ini indah tetapi hidupnya sementara sahaja. Mereka mekar, matang, dan akhirnya layu dan pudar menjauh. Ketidakabadian ini dapat mengingatkan kita tentang sifat kefanaan hidup yang sementara dan mendorong kita untuk menghargai keindahan hidup di sekeliling kita selagi mampu.

ii. Kepelbagaian (Diversity)

Terdapat ribuan jenis bunga yang berbeza di alam ini, setiap satu mempunyai ciri-ciri yang unik dan keindahan tersendiri. Kepelbagaian ini dapat mengingatkan kita tentang nilai individualiti bahawa setiap orang mempunyai kelebihan serta kekurangan yang tersendiri dan pentingnya meraihkan perbezaan.

iii. Ketahanan (Resilience)

Walaupun pokok bunga ini kelihatan lembut dan ayu, hakikatnya pokok bunga sangat berdaya tahan. Seperti halnya bunga, ia mampu bertahan dalam keadaan yang sukar dan adaptasi dengan persekitaran baru. Sifat ketahanan bunga ini dapat mengingatkan kita tentang keupayaan kita untuk menjadi lebih kuat dan berdaya tahan dalam menghadapi cabaran hidup.

iv. Pertumbuhan (Growth)

Pokok bunga yang mulanya sebagai biji-biji kecil, kelak tumbuh bercambah menjadi struktur yang indah dan kompleks. Pembesaran ini dapat mengingatkan kita tentang potensi diri kita untuk terus berkembang dan berubah ke arah yang lebih baik. Bersangkut dengan faktor sebelum ini, andai sahaja kita kekal tabah dalam menghadapi cabaran hidup, jika sampai waktunya kita pasti akan menjadi seperti bunga-bunga ini yang akhirnya berkembang indah menghiasi bumi.

v. Kecantikkan (Beauty)

Faktor terakhir yang saya dapat iaitu bunga ini boleh mengingatkan kita tentang pentingnya kita menghargai perkara-perkara kecil dalam hidup kita, walaupun ia pahit atau manis. Hidup ini cantik kalau kita pandang dengan hati, walaupun sekelumit kenangan. Bunga-bunga yang cantik, dari yang sebatang ke lapangan liar. Jangan putus asa walaupun dugaan datang bergelora. Sekiranya kita sabar menghadapi cabaran hidup dan sentiasa berusaha walaupun dalam keadaan yang sedikit, pada akhirnya juga kita akan menemui hasil yang indah dan cantik.

Itulah lima faktor yang saya dapat. Cuma kali ini saya berharap bunga ini akan hidup lebih lama dan dijaga dengan lebih baik. Pokok ini, walaupun hanya hiasan sekalipun kita bertanggungjawab ke atasnya selagi kita menjadi penjaganya. Kita tidaklah akan dapat memenuhi keperluannya melainkan atas kehendak-Nya.

Justeru ini membawa hikmah kepada kita pula sebagai penjaga. Sekirannya sebuah pokok pun kita tidak mampu jaganya, renungkan bagaimana Allah SWT mampu menjaga seluruh ciptaan-Nya dan menjamin kelangsungan hidup mereka di dunia ini. Demikianlah, saya melihat manusia hanyalah menuju ke arah kekacauan dan ketidakaturan. Walaupun ada sebilangannya yang menyangka bahawa kita sebenarnya mendukung pemodenan dan kemajuan. Hakikatnya, kita menuju perit, kemusnahan dan pengasingan juga. Dan demi itu semua, kita melakukan itu semua. Berharaplah semoga tumbuhan Kalanchoe ini akan terus hidup sebagai balasan atas perbuatan kita.

Its leaves are so thick, with edges serrate
A hardy plant, it can tolerate
With dry soil and sun, it will not hesitate
To grow and bloom, and decorate.

- hh (6/3/2023, 1:16 PM)

Jumaat, Mac 03, 2023

Incredulity toward metanarratives


Oleh hh (Jumaat, Mac 03, 2023)

"Incredulity toward metanarratives" is a phrase coined by Jean Francois Lyotard¹ to describe a postmodern attitude of skepticism and distrust towards grand narratives or universal truths that claim to explain everything⁴. A metanarrative is a big story that tries to justify a certain worldview or ideology, such as religion, science, nationalism, etc.⁶ Lyotard argues that in the postmodern era, people have become more aware of the diversity and complexity of reality, and they no longer accept one single story as authoritative or legitimate³. Instead, they prefer smaller stories that are more local, personal, and contextual¹.

To put it simply, imagine you are reading a book that tells you how the world works and what you should do with your life. But then you find out that there are many other books that tell different stories about the world and life. You start to doubt whether the first book is really true or not. You become incredulous toward its metanarrative. You realize that there is no one right answer or one right way to live. You decide to explore different perspectives and experiences instead of following one fixed path.

One possible effect of incredulity toward metanarratives on society is that it challenges the dominant narratives that have been used to justify certain forms of power and oppression, such as patriarchy, colonialism, racism, etc. By exposing the diversity and multiplicity of voices and experiences that have been silenced or marginalized by these narratives, postmodernism can create a space for resistance and emancipation. For example, some feminist writers have used postmodern techniques to subvert and critique the patriarchal metanarrative that has defined women's roles and identities in a male-dominated society.

Another possible effect of incredulity toward metanarratives on society is that it creates a sense of uncertainty and fragmentation in the face of complex and contradictory realities. Without a clear sense of direction or purpose, people may feel lost or confused about their place in the world. They may also become more cynical or relativistic about truth and values. This can lead to a loss of social cohesion and solidarity, as well as a decline in moral and political engagement.

Sumber Rujukan :
[1] The postmodern as “the incredulity towards metanarratives”. https://literariness.org/2016/04/03/the-postmodern-as-the-incredulity-towards-metanarratives/ Dicapai 03/03/2023.

[2] Metanarrative - New World Encyclopedia. https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Metanarrative Dicapai 03/03/2023.

[3] Metanarrative - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metanarrative Dicapai 03/03/2023.

[4] Critically assess Lyotard's 'incredulity towards metanarratives .... https://studentshare.org/environmental-studies/1422139-critically-assess-lyotard-s-incredulity-towards Dicapai 03/03/2023.

[5] Lyotard, Jean-François | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. https://iep.utm.edu/lyotard/ Dicapai 03/03/2023.

Heterosexual and same-sex marriage in modernism lenses


I was called to talk about this topic, as it has been made into one of the questions in my philosophy subject and it seems an interesting topic to discuss it. Heterosexual refers to a person who is sexually or romantically attracted to people of the opposite sex. It can also refer to sexual behavior between people of the opposite sex. Different from same-sex marriage, which is involving the same sex.

Modernism is a broad term that refers to a cultural, social, or political movement that arose from transformations in Western society during the late 19th and early 20th centuries⁴. Modernism also fostered a period of experimentation in the arts and affirmed the power of human beings to create and improve⁵.

There is no simple answer to whether modernism advocates heterosexual and same-sex marriage, as different modernist thinkers and artists may have different views on sexuality and marriage. However, some general trends can be observed.

According to one source¹, homosexuality was not seen as a distinct identity or orientation in ancient Greece, but rather as a possible expression of erotic desire for either sex. Most men who engaged in same-sex relationships were also married to women. However, the contemporary understanding of homosexuality divides the sexual domain into two categories: heterosexual and homosexual¹. This binary view of sexuality may be influenced by modernist notions of rationality, progress, and individualism.

Another source² states that same-sex marriage has been regulated through law, religion, and custom in most countries of the world, but the legal and social responses have ranged from celebration to criminalization. Some scholars have argued that same-sex marriage has historical precedents in various cultures and religions², while others have opposed it on moral or religious grounds.

A third source³ reports that public opinion on same-sex marriage has changed significantly over time in some countries, such as the United States. The factors that contribute to this change include generational differences, personal contact with gay people, religious affiliation, political ideology, education level, and media exposure³.

Therefore, it seems that modernism does not have a unified stance on heterosexual and same-sex marriage. Rather, it reflects diverse perspectives and experiences that may challenge or reinforce traditional views on sexuality and marriage.

Sumber Rujukan :
[1] Modernism - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modernism Dicapai 03/03/2023.

[2] Modernism | Definition, Characteristics, History, Art, Literature, Time .... https://www.britannica.com/art/Modernism-art Dicapai 03/03/2023.

[3] Homosexuality (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/homosexuality/ Dicapai 03/03/2023.

[4] same-sex marriage - Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/same-sex-marriage Dicapai 03/03/2023.

[5] Growing Support for Gay Marriage: Changed Minds and Changing .... https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2013/03/20/growing-support-for-gay-marriage-changed-minds-and-changing-demographics/ Dicapai 03/03/2023.

[6] Modernism Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/modernism Dicapai 03/03/2023.

Khamis, Mac 02, 2023

Resensi Buku : Sejadah Cinta


Oleh hh (Khamis, Mac 02, 2023)

Sejadah Cinta adalah sebuah novel yang ditulis oleh Juri Durabi, seorang pengarang tempatan yang berasal dari negeri Sabah. Novel ini menceritakan kisah Semail, seorang anak muda yang mendapat hidayah dan inspirasi daripada kisah pendakwah Cina Haji Mahadi Maa untuk menyebarkan dakwah Islam di Kampung Anak Lang, sebuah perkampungan yang masih berpegang kepada percayaan nenek moyangnya iaitu kepercayaan pagan. Semail juga menemui cintanya dengan gadis Kampung Anak Lang, Lamsia. Dengan demikian Semail terus menetap untuk hidup di kampung tersebut bagi memudahkan kerja dakwahnya dalam menyebarkan Islam.

Novel ini juga menunjukkan betapa kuatnya cinta kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya dalam hati Semail dan bagaimana dia berusaha untuk membawa cahaya Islam ke dalam kegelapan. Dalam novel ini juga menceritakan bagaimana Semail berjaya membangunkan perkampungan Anak Lang dengan mendirikan madrasah melalui sumbangan jabatan agama serta kedai runcitnya yang menjadi kemudahan bagi penduduk di Kampung Anak Lang untuk memberi barangan-barangan. Adalah menjadi impiannya juga untuk membangunkan Masjid di perkampungan itu. Namun terdapat konflik yang berlaku di akhir plot cerita ini diantara Pak Cik Majid dan Semail berkenaan penetapan bagi masjid baru yang bakal didirikan sekitar perkampngan itu.

Bagi saya, kali pertama saya membaca tajuk ini menyangkakan adalah sedikit berkait dengan jalan ceritanya namun tidak. Mungkin itu hanya tanggapan pertama dan sekadar tajuk. Apapun, jalan cerita tidaklah begitu mendatar, ada juga beberapa konflik namun tidak menemui jalan penyelesaian yang diinginkan pembaca. Adakah memang berkehendak? Seperti ada jalan cerita yang tidak habis. Apapun gaya penulisannya tidaklah begitu tinggi, sesuai untuk pembaca umum seperti saya untuk memahami jalan cerita. Terdapat juga elemen rohani yang diterapkan ke dalam penulisan yang sememangnya asas bagi kita memahami kehidupan sebagai Hamba Allah. Kesimpulannya, buku ini sesuai untuk pembacaan santai. Tidaklah begitu berat. Namun banyak ibrah yang boleh diambil daripada penceritaan ini. Jujur pada awalnya, saya memikirkan teknik penceritaan ini lebih kurang seperti karya HAMKA. Namun apabila penulis sendiri yang mengungkil sasterawan itu, saya percaya itu adalah inspirasi darinya. Walaupun masih terdapat banyak ralat taip yang mana agak menganggu pembaca, namun jalan ceritanya masih boleh difahami dengan baik. Boleh saya katakan, sangat jarang untuk dapat seorang anak muda seperti Semail. Walaupun watak ini tidak wujud, tetapi watak ini masih boleh dijadikan sebagai contoh.

Rujukan lain :
Durabi, J. (2021). Sejadah cinta. Dicapai pada 2 Mac 2023 daripada https://www.goodreads.com/book/ show/61204778-sejadah-cinta

- hh

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